Monday 2 November 2015

Beauty Tip Monday

Due to stress and improper eating habits, many people tend to show signs of aging much earlier. I've gathered some basic beauty tips to keep you looking fresh and youthful. This applies to both ladies and gents. Please feel free to add your own beauty tips. Sharing is fun.

1. Wash your face at least twice a day. Do this with a cleanser that suits your skin type - dry, oily or combination skin. Personally I try to avoid using soap to wash my face - facial wash will do. Also try to avoid washing your face with water that's hot or too cold as both can cause broken capilaries.

2. Exfoliate regularly. Exfoliation helps replenish the required oils of the body and removes dry and dead skin cells and dirt from the face. Try to exfoliate once or twice a week.

3. Moisturise. This is a basic. Regardless of the type of skin you have your skin needs moisture. Moisturise more especially during winter and harmattan periods to keep your skin looking youthful and not ashy.

4. Don't forget your sunscreen. This is needed not only during summer but even in winter/harmattan and on cloudy days. Protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Presently I use a sunscreen of SPF 50+ but an SPF of 30+ is also good.

5. Protect your lips. We all know having chapped lips ain't fun at all. Imagine kissing boo or bae with a chapped lip - not cool. Apply a lip balm or oil on your lips to keep them looking moisturised. If you've got chapped lips try mixing sugar and honey and rub on your lips.

6. Get enough sleep. Those who know me know that I do not joke with my beauty sleep at all. Lack of sleep would make your skin look dull, tired and saggy. It is recommended to have at least 7 or 8 hours sleep a day but even if you have 6 hours of sleep that's not too bad.

7. Drink Water. I can't stress this enough. Water is important for good health and overall cleansing. It is recommended to drink at least 7 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated.

8. Healthy eating. i know most people say healthy eating costs a lot which is not false however try to inculcate fruits and vegetables no matter how little into your diet everyday. Try to stay away from oily, greasy foods. Pimples anyone.

9. Try to exercise. It helps makes you sweat and in the process cleans your skin.

Got any more tips? Please feel free to add yours.

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